Kyle Gann of the Village Voice wrote of Om Shanti (Dedicated to People Living with AIDS) "...typical for Giteck in the way it fuses elements of Javanese, Hasidic and Buddhist musical traditions into a joyous unity...it is a postminimalism heavily informed by more different world musics, perhaps, than that of any other composer of her generation."

By Genre or instrumentation
* = commission
Potlatch Symphony, Seattle Symphony, chamber orchestra and Native American performers, ‘Day of Music’, Benaroya Hall, Seattle Washington. 2013-2015*
TREE 1981 Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony*
- Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra 1998
- Northwest Symphony Orchestra 1998
- Women's Philharmonic, 1997
- Seattle Creative Orchestra, Roger Nelson, Conductor 1997
- University of Oregon, Tania Leon, Conductor 1986
- San Francisco Symphony, Edo de Waart, Conductor 1981
Loo-Wit 1983, viola and orchestra, Mid-Columbia Symphony*
- Donald Six, violist, Mid-Columbia Symphony, Michel Singher
- Northwest Symphony Orchestra 1998
- Conductor, Richland, Washington 1983
with voice(s):
Navigating the Light Thomasa Eckert-soprano, Jay Clayton-jazz vocalist, Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra, Arts West, Seattle, Spring 2000*.
Tikkun – Mending John Duykers-tenor and Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra*, Meany Hall, Seattle, Spring 2000, Stanford University Orchestra, 2000, Fairbanks Symphony 2002.
Go Gently into That Good Dawn for 20th Anniversary of Northwest School of Arts and Science: chamber orchestra, mixed chorus, audio collage of ESL students. Seattle Arts Commission, 1999*
How to Invoke a Garden, How to Invoke the Same Garden Chamber orchestra with vocal quartet, organ. Mills College, Oakland, California, Jean Louis LeRoux, Conductor, 1969. Reviewed by John Rockwell.
She Who Dances Through the Sky (5 songs from the life of Yeshe Tsogyel), The Esoterics, a capella chorus. Seattle performances at various churches, National Endowment for the Arts Award, 2005*
Far North Beast Ghosts the Clearing 1978, Chorus, percussion, 2 string basses. Chamber Singers, University of Texas*, Whitman College Chorus, 1994-97, Cornish College, 1984
Aphrodite The Esoterics, a capella chorus in 4 parts, Planets Series, Seattle, Tacoma 2002*
From Childhood (Text: Arthur Rimbeau) The Esoterics, a capella chorus in 6 parts, GALA Northwest Festival, 2002*
Go Gently into That Good Dawn for 20th Anniversary of Northwest School of Arts and Science: chamber orchestra, mixed chorus, recorded audio collage of ESL students. Seattle Arts Commission, 1999*
HOME (revisited) 1992, men's chorus, Indonesian gamelan (pelog) Philandros of the Seattle Mens' Chorus and Gamelan Pacifica at:
- Soundwork Northwest, Seattle, November 1992
- Tacoma AIDS Housing Project, December 1992
- Seattle Art Museum, May 1992
Pictures of the Floating World 1987 Chorus and chamber orchestra-five movements, Performa '87 King County Arts Commission*
- Floating Opera, Seattle-Puget Sound waterways (barge) fall 1987
Chamber Music
Ricercare (Dream Upon Arrival), Saint Helens String Quartet, Snoqualmie Concert, 2012*
Where can you live safely, then? In Surrender Saint Helens String Quartet, 2004* Cornish College of the Arts, UNESCO Unity Conference, Benaroya Hall, Seattle.
“1967” Saint Helens String Quartet, Seattle 2004 Ridge Quartet, San Francisco Conservatory 1981, Mills College 1968, Aspen Composers' Forum 1967.
In a Camel's Ear for Seattle Flute Society, 9 flutes, The Town Hall, Seattle, 2005.
Ishi (Yahi for 'man') Seattle Chamber Players, with film by Emiko Omori, 2004*, Nordstrom Recital Hall, Benaroya, ‘CityArts Award’, Seattle Arts Commission. Subsequent performances in Seattle area: On the Boards, Snoqualmie Center, SAM, in Costa Rica (2007), and Beijing, China (2008), Other Minds Festival in San Francisco (2011).
Sleepless in the Shadow 1993-95, flute, oboe, saxophone, bassoon, viola, string bass, piano, percussion. Music-in-Motion* Relache Ensemble, Seattle Art Museum, April 1994.
First Puja-1997 two versions: cathedral bells (35 perf.), St. James Cathedral, New Year's Eve* Pacific Rims Percussion Quartet, organ.
Leningrad Spring 1991, flute(s), piano, percussion. Paul Taub* "American Originals" Fairbanks, 2002, University of California at Santa Cruz 1998, Orlando Art Museum 1996, Soundwork Northwest, New Music Across America, Seattle 1992 Relache Ensemble, Composer-to-Composer Festival, Telluride, Colorado 1991, Seattle Spring Festival 1991.
Ahimsa (non-violence) 1990, viola, cello, piano. Fidelio*
- Fidelio, Real Art Ways, Hartford Conn. 1990, 91, 93
- Fidelio, Wesleyan University, 1990
Tapasya 1987, viola and percussion, Mimi Dye*
- "American Originals" Fairbanks 2002
- Ottawa Fringe Festival, Kevin James, vla, Brian Pantekoek, perc.1998
- Centrum Chamber Music Festival, Port Townsand, WA1994
- Focus Festival, Juilliard School 1996
- Mimi Dye, Ward Spangler, San Francisco Museum of Art 1993
- Mimi Dye, Ward Spangler, Mills College, Oakland 1993
- Mimi Dye, Matthew Kocmieroski, Soundwork Northwest 1992
- Walter Gray, Matthew Kocmieroski, Seattle 1988
- Mimi Dye, Larry Spivack, Carnegie Hall, 1987
Breathing Songs from a Turning Sky - ten meditations 1984 version, flute, clarinet, bassoon, cello, piano, percussion. National Endowment for the Arts*
- Third Angle Ensemble, Lewis and Clark College, Portland 1992
- New Performance Group, Seattle, 1989, 84.
Breathing Songs from a Turning Sky - ten meditation 1980, flute, clarinet, bassoon, cello, piano, perc, National Endowment for the Arts*
- New Performance Group, Cornish Series, Seattle 1981
- New Music Players, University of Texas, Austin 1981
- First National Congress on Women in Music, NYU 1981
- Las Vegas New Music Players, Festival 1981
- New Music Ensemble, San Francisco Conservatory 1980.
Helixes 1974, fl, trb, vln, cel, guitar, piano, perc. Port Costa Players*
- Intersection, San Francisco 1974
- Oakland Museum 1975
- University Art Museum, Berkeley 1975
- 1750 Arch Street, Berkeley 1976.
Including voice(s):
Om Shanti - Dedicated to People Living with AIDS 1986, soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, synthesizer, percussion. Institute for Transformational Movement*
- Seattle Pro-Musica, 1995
- Northwest Symphony Orchestra, Seattle 1998
- Seattle Pro Musica, 1996
- Bang on a Can Festival, New York 1995
- Thamyris, Atlanta, February 1994
- Fear No Music, Nippon Kan Theater, Seattle 1994
- Fear No Music, The Old Church, Portland 1994
- Fear No Music, Tacoma, spring 1994
- Bermuda Triangle, Bang on a Can Festival, New York 1993
- New Performance Group, Soundwork Northwest 1992
- Relache Ensemble, Fleisher Art Memorial, Philadelphia 1991
- Relache Ensemble, Merkin Hall, New York, 1991
- Buffalo New Music Ensemble, Buffalo, 1991
- Artists Against AIDS Benefit, Intiman, Seattle 1988, 90
- New Performance Group, Cornish Series, Seattle, 1986,87
Callin' Home Coyote a burlesque 1978 for tenor, steel drums and string bass; text: Lewis MacAdams, California Arts Council*
- Jack Straw Productions, John Duykers-tenor, Seattle 1999
- Contemporary Music Group, Eastman School of Music 1994
- New Performance Group, John Duykers-tenor, Seattle 1984
- New Performance Group, Rinde Eckert-tenor, ASUC National Conference, Seattle 1982
- Port Costa Players, John Duykers, Gadeamus , Holland, Belgian Radio 1978
Thunder, Like a White Bear Dancing performance ritual 1977 soprano, flute, piano, percussion, text: Ojibwa Indians
- San Francisco Chamber Music Society*
- Third Angle Ensemble, Lewis & Clark College, Portland 1991.
- New Performance Group, Cornish Series, 1984, 80
- Berlin Arts Ensemble, West Germany 1980
- New Music Group, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis 1982
- New Music Ensemble, UT, Austin 1979
- Port Costa Players, Gadeamus, Holland, Belgian Radio, 1977
- San Francisco Chamber Music Society, San Francisco 1977
Eight Sandbars on the Takano River 1976, 5 women's voices, flute, bassoon, guitar, text: Gary Snyder
- New Music Ensemble, San Francisco Conservatory 1993
- New Music Ensemble, San Francisco Conservatory 1982
- New Music America, San Francisco 1981
- San Francisco State University 1982
- Port Costa Players, UC Berkeley 1976.
The Screamer 1993, soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, synthesizer, percussion. Meet-the-Composer/ Readers Digest*
- Third Angle Ensemble, Portland, April 1993
- Thamyris, Atlanta, March 1995
- Society for New Music, Syracuse, March 1994, 1996
Anew for male voice and piano, text: Louis Zukofsky 1969
- John Duykers, tenor:* University of Washington 1970
- Tour of Southeastern Alaska 5 cities 1970
- Crocker Art Gallery, Sacramento 1972
- Exploratorium, San Francisco 1973
L'Ange Heurtebise tenor or soprano, piano; text: Jean Cocteau 1971
- Thomasa Eckert, soprano, Opus One, Seattle 1983
- John Duykers, tenor, Mendocino Arts Center 1977
- John Duykers, tenor, Sitka, Alaska 1973
- John Duykers, tenor, Oakland Museum 1972
- American Music Festival, VPRO Radio, Holland 1973
- First Prize in Viotti Competition, Italy 1973
Solo Performer
Snow Mandala for solo piano, Jane Harty, Music NorthWest Series, 2006*
Tara's Love Will Melt The Sword Vicki Ray, solo piano, 4 pieces, PianoSpheres, Los Angeles, 2002* ArtsWest, Seattle, Banff Centre for the Arts, LucyWenger on Innova Records (2004 release), Peter Mack at Cornish 2005.
TREY three pieces for solo piano 1968
- Roger Nelson, Piano Pairings, 2000
- Robert Krupnick, European and Asian tour 1984
- Jeanne Stark, Belgian Radio, Brussels 1979
- Earle Schenk, San Francisco 1978
- Robert Krupnick, San Francisco Conservatory 1969
- Robert Krupnick, Mills College 1969
- Robert Krupnick, Ohio State University1968
Trees and Cherokees Peggy Benkeser, perc., Emory University, Atlanta, Meet The Composer 2002*
Agrarian Chants piccolo, c flute, alto and bass flutes-one performer, Seattle Arts Commission* 1997 Paul Taub* Seattle/New York/San Francisco, Juilliard Focus Festival "Beyond the Rockies" 2003.
Puja: Songs to the Divine Mother 1995-96, classical guitar
- Scott Kritzer* Portland, Oregon.
Peter and the Wolves 1978, solo trombone/actor, elect. tape
- T. Peter Tomita*, Jeunesse Musicale Tour, France 1978-79
Matinee D’Ivresse 1976, soprano solo, text: Arthur Rimbaud
- Thomasa Eckert, Opus One Series, Seattle 1983
- Marnie Nixon, Seattle 1981
- Judith Nelson*, Jeunesse Musicale Tour, France 1976.
A'AGITA - Ceremonial Opera 1976, 3 singers, 1 dancer/actor, 8 instrumentalist/actors, text- Pima/Papago Indian Mythology, Ronald Giteck librettist, Port Costa Players Bicentennial Tour* - 1976:
- University Art Museum, Berkeley
- San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco
- Oakland Museum, Oakland
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Theater Vanguard, Los Angeles
- Palomar College, San Marcos, California
- Indian Valley College, Marin, California
- Veterans Auditorium (sponsored by San Francisco Opera)
- Temple of Music and Art, Tucson, Arizona
- American Music Festival, VPRO Radio, Holland 1977
The Four Dignities: Buddha Art Rene Yung, visual artist, Berkeley Art Center, Jack Straw Media Gallery, Seattle, 2004*
Tlinget and Lakota sound installations (permanent), Ferrero Films* Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1997.
Modern Odysseys 1991-93, performance/media collective work, ARTp - Artists Regional Transit Project (Metro*), Seattle 1992 Public and Commercial, television, telephone Twenty live sites in King County
AH-AH (sh! listen) 1981 Javanese gamelan, strings, tympani, dancer.
- San Francisco Contemporary Music Players*, Berkeley Gamelan,
- San Francisco Museum of Art 1981
"A Picture of Dorian Gray" music for theater/dance adaptation 1974 XOREGOS PERFORMING COMPANY*
- Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco 1974
- Sunset Center, Carmel 1974
- Theater Workshop of New York 1975
Messalina a mini-opera for male singer, cello, piano; text: Alfred Jarry 1973
- Port Costa Players tour of colleges, 1974-75: California,
- Arizona, Oregon, Alaska, Oakland Museum
How to Invoke a Garden, How to Invoke the Same Garden Chamber orchestra with vocal quartet, organ. Mills College, Oakland, California, Jean Louis LeRoux, Conductor, 1969. Reviewed by John Rockwell.
Geophorusa a theater piece, two narrators, three dancers, chamber orchestra, text: Jeanetta Jones 1967. Aspen Music Festival, Leonard Slatkin, cond. 1967, Mills College, Jean-Louis LeRoux, cond. 1967.

Whidbey Island Earthquakes - What to Expect and How to Prepare documentary about the earthquakes of Whidbey Island and western Washington, produced by the 4-HD club of Whidbey Island led by R Elphick, 2013.
Teaching of the Tree People documentary of Skokomish Indian (Seattle area) artist Bruce Miller, three-year installation, Seattle Art Museum, PBS (20 minutes). PBS, US festivals, Smithsonian Institute (1 hour.) Katie Jennings filmmaker, flutes, cello, guitar, native voices, 2004-5.
The Red Pines, 12 minute documentary about Japanese-Americans on Bainbridge Island, WA. IslandWood Installation, Lucy Ostrander, filmmaker, Flutes, Koto, Percussion, 2003*, Smithsonian Institute 2003.
Daddy and Papa one hour documentary about gay fatherhood in America. Persistent Visions Films, Johnny Symons-Director, premiered at Sundance Film Festival, 2002, presently circulating major film festivals in US, Asia and Europe. PBS in 2002.
One Land, Many Voices, 23-minute video documentary of Sacagawea ARTS-UP Project. Seattle Arts Commission. Wrick Wolff-engineer, Giteck-producer, 2002*
Yield to Total Elation (the life of Achilles Rizzoli) a San Francisco visionary artist. Pat Ferrero-filmaker, John Duykers-tenor voice, (short version) 1998 for San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; (full version) 2001 premiered at Santa Fe Film Festival, 2001.
Rabbit In the Moon a feature documentary about the Japanese-American internment camps during WWII. By Emiko Omori, premiered at Sundance Film Festival and received a television Emmy Award for best historical program, 1999-2000 season, also approx. 40 international festivals, 1999. Public Television: USA, France, Germany and Japan.
Exiled To India The Plight of Tibetan Buddhist Nuns; 22 minutes, documentary of the Tibetan Nuns Project. Giteck, audio producer, 2000.
Hearts and Hands one hour documentary: The American Experience" PBS, Pat Ferrero filmmaker, music: Janice Giteck, 1987 (National Endowment for the Humanities) Ferrero Films, San Francisco, California. International distribution in all English speaking countries.
HOPI: Songs of the Fourth World a film by Pat Ferrero, music: Giteck, 1984 Ferrero Films, San Francisco, California. Sundance Film Festival premiere. International distribution in all English speaking countries and in German.
ODYSSEY a film collaboration by Frank Video, Judy Anderson, John Koval and Janice Giteck: ARTp (Artists Regional Transit Project) 1993. Metro Arts Program, Seattle, Washington.
Modern Odysseys (ARTp) by Peter Vogt and Lars Larson, music by Janice Giteck, 1992. Metro Arts Program, Seattle, Washington.
American Women Conductors and Composers in Performance, 1987 Center for Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, Eugene.

Two String Quartets; performed by St. Helen's Quartet on American Dreams CD Navona Records (2015 release)
Tara's Love Will Melt the Sword; performed by Lucy Wenger, piano, on Through An Open Window CD Innova Records (2004 release)
Agrarian Chants; Paul Taub, flute, CD, 2000, Periplum Records, San Antonio Texas.
AURON II CD Magazine; New Performance Group, CD, 1993 Auron Publishing, San Francisco
- Om Shanti (1986) movements 2 and 3
HOME (revisited) Janice Giteck, Dedicated in prayer to benefit people living with AIDS; CD, 1992 New Performance Group, Philandros of the Seattle Men's Chorus, Gamelan Pacifica, Mimi Dye, viola solo New Albion Records, 584 Castro Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
- Om Shanti (1986) 19:29
- Tapasya (1987) 13:45
- Leningrad Spring (1991) 17:55
- HOME (revisited) (1992) 13:22
The New Performance Group in Music By Janice Giteck; CD, Cas, 1988 MODE Records, NY
- Breathing Songs From A Turning Sky - ten meditations (1980, revised 1984) 30:23
- Thunder, Like a White Bear Dancing - performance ritual (1978) 13:39
- "Callin' Home Coyote" a burlesque(1977) 9:02
MUSIC FROM MILLS In Celebration of the Centennial of the Chartering of Mills College 1885-1985 (Anthology: a selection of works featuring composers and performers from the Mills College Music Department and Center for Contemporary Music) LP, 1986
- Breathing Songs from a Turning Sky - meditations #5 and #6