Postminimalism Chapter One Metaphorically Speaking, By Kyle Gann, May 2007.
New Music Box - Interview: Alexandra Gardner with Janice Giteck (2012)
Pacifica Radio Archives - Interview: Charles Amirkhanian with Janice Giteck, 1981
Other Minds Festival - OM 16: Panel Discussion & Concert 1, 2011
Seattle Symphony- Potlatch Symphony, Native Lands Project, 2015
Focus on Women Composers - April McMahon with Janice Giteck (1977)
Video: American Women Conductors and Composers in Performance, 1987 Center for Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, Eugene.
New Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Macmillan, 2001
Centennial Edition: Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Schirmers, 2000
Music in the United States, H. Wiley Hitchcock, Prentice Hall, 2000
American Music in the 20th Century, Kyle Gann, Schirmers, 1997
The New Groves Dictionary of Women in Music, Macmillan Publishers, 1995
Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, Schirmers, 1993
Contemporary Composers, St. James Press, 1992
Northwest Originals: Washington Women and Their Art MatriMedia, 1990
The New Groves Dictionary of Music in the United States, Macmillan 1985
Contemporary American Composer, G. K. Hall, E. Ruth Anderson, 1982
International Encyclopedia of Woman Composers, Aaron Cohen, Bowker, 1981

Chamber Music America Magazine
New York Times
Opera News (Metropolitan Opera)
Village Voice
Philadelphia City
Option Magazine
Perspectives in New Music
EAR Magazine of New Music
Musicians News
Strings Magazine
Musical America/High Fidelity
Fanfare Magazine
Ms. Magazine
Le Monde (Paris)
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Herald Examiner
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Bay Guardian
Oakland Tribune
San Jose Mercury
Sacramento Bee
Berkeley Gazette
Audion Magazine
New West Magazine
Plexus Magazine (San Francisco)
Seattle Times
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Seattle Weekly
East Side Week (Seattle)
Journal American (Seattle)
Austin American Statesman
Honolulu Times
Minneapolis Tribune
St. Paul PP
Grand Rapids Press (Michigan)
The Oregonian (Portland)
Register-Guard (Eugene)
Tucson Daily Star

Beyond Performance by Janice Giteck, An essay on the importance of the Ritual Frame in Janice's work. Figures included - Approximately 11 Mbytes..
Music In Mind A conversation with Alexandra Gardner at Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, Washington: January 31, 2012 (transcript). The video can be found here.
Conventional Unconventionality, by Janice Giteck, March 1, 2005.
A Tribute To Charles Hamm - Composer, Historian, Educator by Janice Giteck.
Interview with Jonathan Middleton, July 25, 2006.
American Composer - Janice Giteck by Kyle Gann , Chamber Music p24, December 1999.